Short alias to formatting enum
Short alias to formatting enum
Contains escape sequences for background colors
Contains escape sequences for foreground colors
Contains escape sequences for string formatting (bold, italics)
Contains escape sequences to reset string formatting
Rings audio bell
Intended to be used in SIGINT callback Resets all formatting and shows cursor
Returns cursor position
Hides cursor. Does not reset position
Moves cursor in terminal down by lineAmount
Moves cursor in terminal down bylineAmount and sets cursor X to 1
Moves cursor in terminal to {1, 1}
Moves cursor in terminal left by columnAmount
Moves cursor in terminal right by columnAmount
Moves cursor in terminal to {x, y} or to x. **COORDINATES START FROM 1**
Moves cursor in terminal up by lineAmount
Moves cursor in terminal up by 1 and scrolls if needed
Moves cursor in terminal up bylineAmount and sets cursor X to 1
Saves/Restores cursor position to be restored later (DEC)
Saves/Restores cursor position to be restored later (SCO). **PREFER DEC (saveCursorPosition) VERSION INSTEAD.**
Saves/Restores cursor position to be restored later (DEC)
Saves/Restores cursor position to be restored later (SCO). **PREFER DEC (saveCursorPosition) VERSION INSTEAD.**
Shows cursor. Does not reset position
Fully erases current line
Erases text from start of current line to cursor
Erases text from cursor to end of current line
Erases num lines in terminal starting with current.
Casts args to string and writes to stdout Intended to be used to print formatting
Casts args to string and writes to stdout with \n at the end Intended to be used to print formatting
Clears terminal screen and resets cursor position
Clears terminal screen
Enabled/Disables alternative screen buffer.
Enabled/Disables alternative screen buffer.
Hard resets terminal. Not recommended to use
Enabled/Disables Alt Buffer. **PREFER screenEnableAltBuffer OR screenDisableAltBuffer INSTEAD.**
Enabled/Disables Alt Buffer. **PREFER screenEnableAltBuffer OR screenDisableAltBuffer INSTEAD.**
Sets terminal title that's going to last until program termination
Formatting and util to work with BASH